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4 reasons why you should travel with us to Ladakh

We believe that travelling involves a bit of planning coupled with a whole lot of wandering and that it is about gaining immersive and lasting experiences.

Go Offbeat

We pride ourselves in being the experts in offbeat and adventure travel experiences in Ladakh. We like to mix it up – a little bit of history and a little bit of adventure. We are always seeking new and unexplored territories and bring fresh, offbeat and adventure .

Travel Responsibly

We believe in creating shared value. We focus on engaging local communities in our work and always try to harness the local knowledge and wisdom from the land. All our camp locations, homestays in villages are managed or hosted by village communities.

Travel with a Local

Get an authentic and immersive Experience. Expect some local food, close interaction with locals and more time out in nature on your own.

Expect Professionalism

We are a great team of experienced professionals from various backgrounds and share the same passion for outdoors & exploration. Our guests vouch for the experiences we provide.